Posted on 10/31/2022

A car signals or lets you know when something is wrong. Common indicators of trouble include illuminated dashboard lights, strange sounds, and smells. Also, the manufacturer's manual may state the approximate timeline of most parts, like the battery. While there's no specific lifespan, a car battery needs replacement at least every three years, depending on some factors. But first, here are signals to replace your battery. Signs that it's Time to Replace Your Car Battery It's frustrating when your car fails to start, and after checking, everything seems fine. Look out for these signals of a dying battery. Dim Headlights When you notice your headlights are no longer as bright as they used to be, your battery is not generating enough power. If it persists after recharging, replace it. Low Engine Starts If your engine requires a lot of cranking before starting, it indicates that the battery is not keeping enough charge like before and it's dying. Misshapen Batt ... read more