Posted on 2/27/2023

Engine knocking is a common problem that many drivers experience at some point. It is a loud tapping or knocking sound that can come from your engine when you're driving. If you hear an engine knocking, it's crucial to get it checked out by an experienced mechanic as soon as possible, as it can indicate a severe problem with your engine. What Causes Engine Knocking? There are many reasons why your engine might start knocking. Some of the most common causes include: Low-quality fuel: If you're using low-quality gasoline or diesel, it can cause knocking in your engine. As the fuel burns unevenly, it can cause pressure waves that create a knocking sound. Overheating: When your engine gets too hot, it can cause the metal parts to expand and contract, creating knocking sounds. Incorrect ignition timing: If your spark plugs are firing at the wrong time, it can cause knocking in your engine. Worn or damaged en ... read more