Posted on 2/28/2022

There's no doubt that the older we get, the more difficult it becomes to drive. Your eyesight may worsen, and memories of certain driving rules may slip out of your mind. But just because we start to age and it becomes more challenging doesn't mean that you should give up their driving. There are many things that the elderly can do to stay safe on the road. Here are some of our top safety tips for senior drivers: Find The Right Vehicle For You Many older drivers don't like the bells and whistles that come with high-tech cars. Nonetheless, they can be distracting for older folks. So if you're a senior looking for a car, it's best to go with the basics or what you already know. Stay Healthy and Active Being in shape can benefit your driving as well. By getting enough exercise and plenty of sleep, you will feel more flexible and alert on the road. Consequently, it will be less strenuous for you to turn the steering wheel, look over your shoulder, or do other ... read more